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Saint Michael Statue

Saint Michael Statue

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The Archangel Michael

Who is like God?

This statue of the Archangel Michael was created for the military, law enforcement, first responders communities and their supporters. Great care was taken to ensure that only materials sourced 100% in the USA were used in its production.

Sculpted in the Baroque style of 17th century Italy, Michael is depicted here in victory over Satan as written in the Book of Revelations.

And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in Heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: He was cast out into the Earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


Michael is shown descending from above with a spear to drive Satan to the ground. His wings are representative of the style used in many US Military Aviation and Airborne skill badges. The wings are a warrior’s wings, striking yet imperfect, they have been sculpted with the scars and burns that all warriors carry from battle.

The brass spear is symbolic of the long reach of the law. No matter the length of time, evil men and evil deeds will never escape God's eternal justice. 

The tip of the spear is a nod to the Special Operations community and those who are first to the fight. The spear tip is not visible as it has been driven deep into the great dragon’s throat.

Satan grasps the spear shaft with his right hand in an attempt to escape judgement but he cannot forestall his fate. The great deceiver is silenced by the wound to his throat, his false beauty is shorn away to reveal his true, corrupted form.  


Production notes

As an active-duty service member with over 28 years of service it has been my desire to create a statue of the Archangel Michael for my countrymen that is not mass produced in China. The statue has been crafted to ensure that it can survive multiple PCS moves.

This statue has been produced in a limited number. Each statue is cast, assembled and painted by hand so no two statues are alike in shade of color.  Like any work of art that is crafted by hand each statue has its own unique character that sets it apart from the more common statues found online.

The brass spear is hollow to allow a crucifix to be added to the top. You can purchase one in the store.  

If you have to return the statue, please use the original packaging.


Weight: 2lbs 14oz

16 inches tall from the base to the tip of the right wing

The wing span is 14 inches from tip to tip but when viewed straight on the curve of the wings and the right side high/left side low cant has the statue measuring at 12 inches wide.

The base is approximately 6.5 inches from hoof to horns and 4.5 inches from front to back.

The wings sit behind the statue somewhat so it measures 6.5 inches from the front of the base to the back of the wings.


I would like to thank Peter Murphy for his hard work in helping me realize this statue. You can visit his web site at the link below.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Beautifully crafted and exceptionally well made. Thanks, Tactical Flight Safety!!

Michael Woods
Amazing Sculpture

Beautiful markings and exquisite detail. A must for any office

Beautifully detailed statue

I ordered two statues. One for me and one as a gift. They arrived in less then 3 days from placing the order. They were well packed and in perfect condition. I will definitely keep my eyes out for whatever Tactical Flight Safety comes up with next!

James Shackelton
Great statue

Awesome statue that fits the decor of my bar perfectly. Well done!

Details are top notch

We received our order pretty fast and man does this statue look beautiful in the foyer. The attention to detail, small symbolic touches make this elegant piece the center of attention in our home. Beautiful design, we definitely want to get another to match.